"If you are looking for the best science (section 3) tutor for gamsat preparation, you have found it.
The tutorial covers all the required knowledge for section 3, and will provide very clear explanation of gamsat questions for everyone. You will also find the session is very interactive and is very thoroughly prepared. It was the best science tutorial session I ever had."

"I just wanted to let you know that I achieved an Overall Score of 72 in this year's GAMSAT. My Section III score was 70. I wanted to thank you for your help in achieving this mark. This was my first time sitting GAMSAT and your advice in the strategy tutorials made all the difference.  Your tips and short cuts made a huge difference as well, I was able to save time and I knew what to look for and recognise in a question. Of all prep material I did, your tutorials were by far the best in terms of consolidating all my knowledge and focusing it on the exam. I will recommend you to anyone who asks! Thank you again for all your help."

Science and Strategy Tutorials to help you succeed in GAMSAT in the shortest time frame!

"I scored an 80 in section III, and a 72 overall – a massive improvement from my score last year of 64. The tutorial sessions were incredibly useful; they helped me understand the basics, fine-tune my strategy and gave me the confidence to attack the exam."

"David is an amazing tutor and a great mentor who is genuinely interested in seeing students succeed the Gamsat and enter Medicine. I was able to improve my S3 score by 10 points after attending his course. We need genuine services like this to reach the students who are really passionate about Medicine. His strategies to succeed Gamsat S3, his advice and tips on how to best prepare for the Gamsat in general have come a long way in my journey to Medicine. I ended up getting 2 medical school offers and wouldn't have reached this far without his support. Definitely recommend his course to anyone who wants to succeed Gamsat S3."

"Really excellent GAMSAT tutoring for science. I was a non-science student who felt overwhelmed by the breadth of what I thought could be tested. Not only is David an amazing teacher he gives you specific areas to focus on in what is an overwhelming exam. David clearly really cares about his students and going to his sessions is the best preparation I did."

About GAMSAT Tutor (Dr David)

  • GAMSAT score: 100 (maximum score) in the science section, highest overall score (100th percentile)

  • Specialist GAMSAT tutor for the science section for 10+ years

  • GAMSAT lecturer for Des O'Neill's GAMSAT Preparation Courses for 6 years

  • Science tutor at UNSW and Sydney Uni in the past

  • Admitted to Medicine and Dentistry at Sydney Uni, now a registered practitioner

  • Helped numerous (non-science) candidates ace GAMSAT on their first attempt

Learn More​

Reward for Referral

Register for any of the GAMSAT Tutorials and receive a $100 rebate for every friend that you successfully refer!​​

"Firstly, I'd like to thank you for your Physics tutorials and strategy classes that I attended in Sydney earlier in the year. I'll admit, I had my reservations on how much I would learn from 3 weekends but every lesson was nothing less than valuable. Your simple but practical explanations and patience helped in studying for what really mattered and in enabling me to get a 79 for section III. Thank you again."

Specialist in strategic GAMSAT preparation
with 10+ years of GAMSAT tutoring experience

"The Gamsat Tutor course was the most valuable resource I have used in preparation for the test. My sciences score went from 67 to 81 and I would largely attribute that to the reasoning skills I learnt as part of your course, which are now so valuable with the current test format."

"I had previously sat GAMSAT once before and struggled immensely with the Science section so much so I almost decided to not sit the GAMSAT again. After attending GAMSAT tutor sessions my confidence in Science increased immensely and I was able to score 19 points greater in the Science section. I cannot speak highly enough of the help these tutorials gave me."

GAMSAT Tutorials

Strategic GAMSAT preparation for the science section can be broken down into 3 simple steps:

"HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Gamsat Tutor was a course very different to many of the other leading prep courses out there that only focus on practice papers based on teachings using an overload of in-depth information that is not always relevant to the GAMSAT exams. GT, on the other hand, has utilized their extensive knowledge and years of experience to formulate a very strategic approach that highlights the most important and fundamental principles in each science topic in a very concise and simplistic way via a highly efficient short-course. Consequently, whether you're from an extensive science background or just scratching the surface with only months left to prepare for next year's exam, GT will be effective in providing you with the necessary framework to plan your studies - both in terms of science topics and exam strategy. Coming from a non-science undergraduate background, I was elated to have made an almost 20 point jump since my first attempt at the exams, and eventually made it into the USyd DMD program. 😃
More than just the easy-to-understand and concise teaching methods, it was the level of professionalism, sincerity and integrity that GT showed in every class, which made it a more rewarding and enjoyable experience. I only wish I had found out about the course during my first attempt! 
Thanks again GT!"

"Just thought I'd let you know I got 71 in the science section and got an overall of 67. You predicted that you could get me to a 70 in the science section and that was a pretty good estimate! Just thought I'd let you know that your science classes were really helpful and made a lot of the questions way more doable. I honestly attribute my improvement (55-71) to your classes and most certainly could not have done it without your help. Thanks again for your help!"

"I highly recommend attending the GAMSAT tutor's tutorials. I was able to improve my section 3 score from 52 on my first attempt to 72! I know this would not have been possible without these amazing tutorials. The tutorials helped break down the basics of each topic to create a solid foundation and then built on this to reach GAMSAT level questions. As these are small group tutorials I was able to get individual help and support throughout which was extremely beneficial. For anyone who is planning on sitting the GAMSAT and is struggling with section 3 I would definitely recommend these tutorials!"

"My GAMSAT results improved drastically after the weekend sessions with GAMSAT Tutor.
During the exam, the techniques taught really came into effect, especially regarding how to tackle questions, exam strategies, and how to watch out for traps ACER had set for unsuspecting test takers.
The tutorials are not only enjoyable but efficacious!"

"I completed the GAMSAT Tutor full suite of 4 weekend tutorials prior to my first sitting of the exam. With no science background at university, I found the theory tutorials incredibly valuable. The, strategy tutorials were also an excellent resource, showing how to solve complex questions under the heavy time stressors of the real exam. 
There is something in these tutorials for everybody, from those with no science background, up to those trying to get a score in the 80s and 90s. 
Thanks again David for all of your wisdom!"

"I got a 77 (from 66 the year before) for section 3 and 74 overall. I have no doubt that I owe this to you and your tutorials. I was drawing on your tips, tricks and advice all throughout the exam. Along with consolidating my science knowledge your tutorials enabled me to approach the questions in a way I would not have otherwise. This allowed me to tackle the problems efficiently and effectively, which is crucial in such a high pressure situation as the GAMSAT. I will definitely be recommending you to anyone I know who is sitting the GAMSAT in the future. Thank you SO SO much."

- James Wong (now a medical practitioner)

"I took all four of the tutorials that GAMSAT Tutor offers and I can recommend his services unreservedly. GAMSAT Tutor is a fantastic, thorough teacher who takes the time to carefully explain concepts, providing well developed teaching materials for each tutorial. I received a scores in the mid 80s for my section three after taking these tutorials."

GAMSAT Tutor (100 in science, 100th percentile overall) has taught GAMSAT for 10+ years!

"I highly recommend undertaking this course, even if it was your first attempt at the GAMSAT. If I were to go back in time, I would have taken this course before my first attempt. I undertook the GAMSAT 5 times, and my score jumped from 62 to 72 in section III after taking his course. The course teaches you how to apply certain strategies to maximise your performance and gain the most marks based on your strengths."

Register for GAMSAT Tutorials and receive a $100 rebate for every friend that you refer!

GAMSAT Tutorials

GAMSAT Science and Strategy Tutorials help you achieve GAMSAT success in the shortest time frame:

"Can't recommend GAMSAT Tutor enough! With no science background (not even chem or physics in high school)... I was able to score 72 in section 3 in my first sitting. I largely attribute this to GAMSAT Tutor's clear and concise tutorials, which really helped me grapple with the initially overwhelming amount of content I needed to tackle. Thanks so much!"

Reward for Referral

"Just wanted to send you a short (albeit late!) note of appreciation for your classes I attended in Melbourne last year. Having a non-science degree and 17+ years since I picked up a physics or chemistry text book, I really feel your courses provided significant benefit and your ability to coach all levels of ability was excellent. My science score was in the high 60's and combined with my other scores, was enough to receive an offer for medicine at Uni of Melbourne! I attended a number of GAMSAT prep courses last year and would recommend your courses above the others. Thanks again for your help!"

"David is a wonderful tutor who addresses all our individual needs with care and attention. The course is focussed and specific for exam- style questions that almost always appear in the official tests. Highly recommend for students looking for science section help in the GAMSAT."

See what past students say

"I just wanted to thank you so much for all your valuable insight and assistance with gamsat prep. Your method of thinking and shortcuts to save time were incredibly valuable. I ended up with a 75 in S3 and 68 overall. Thanks so much Dr."


100 in Science, 100th Percentile Overall

"I wanted to thank you for all your help with tackling Section 3 in the GAMSAT. I have managed to get an overall score of 76, with 91 in Science. I am deeply grateful to you for all your input in the preparation."

- Garima Moudgil (now a medical practitioner)

Learn from the Best

"I wanted to say thank you for all the effort you put into the Strategy Tutorials for the May/June 2020 GAMSAT. I was apprehensive about attending a GAMSAT preparation course, however your practical explanations, tips and tricks for approaching and breaking down questions and overall preparation advice made the exam feel a lot more doable. The small class sizes and your extremely personal and genuinely caring approach to each student was far beyond what I expected. Your good humour was an added bonus - it's important to remember to still have fun when preparing for something like GAMSAT!"

"Very highly recommended for anyone looking for help with Section III in GAMSAT. Sitting the GAMSAT for the 1st time with very little science knowledge, I was very unsure and struggling to prepare for the science section but was able to sit the exam with much more confidence after the lessons. I was very pleased to be able to achieve a mark of 69 in GAMSAT Section III. I attended all the tutorials including the Chemistry, Physics and 2 Strategy Tutorials which greatly helped in preparing for the exam and allowed me to tackle the various questions in science section with confidence. David was an excellent teacher, providing highly relevant content and advice tailored to the exam in his classes and his lessons were easy to follow.  The small class size also made for a good learning environment and David goes above and beyond to help his students."

"Really highly recommend Gamsat Tutor for section 3 tutoring! The Tutor explains complex and difficult ideas in a simple way which really enhanced my understanding of the topics. Through this tutoring, I felt less daunted at approaching the GAMSAT because the Tutor taught me to understand each question properly and change my thinking/approach to each question. My section 3 score increased by 14 in the March 2021 GAMSAT and it was really because of the GAMSAT Tutor's guidance. Would highly recommend!"
